
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Dear Future Clara

Dear Future Clara,

What even is this but a motley mismanagement of words. My dear, my dear. You write without knowing where the words are going, only that it’s been too long since you’ve created anything and the overwhelming urge to vomit words on a page must be satisfied. Let there be light. Let there be madness.Let there be.

And you scan the paragraph you just wrote, and it strikes you how pretentious you sound, but you keep writing anyway because no one will ever read this but you and maybe two people and a super-advanced NYC subway rat on the internet, and let’s be honest—your future self could use a laugh. In the distant future when you somehow learn to stop taking yourself too seriously, you will appreciate this mindless verbiage and you will be glad you took the time to do something pointless and stupid and time-consuming. At least I hope you will.

Prose. Prose is the problem because you feel like you have to be candid and honest with yourself when you write in prose. Ambiguous fragments strung together into an indecipherable poem? The angst. The power. The presence. But prose demands substance as well as style, and it makes it harder to disguise a lack of either. So in typical you-fashion, you get around the problem of prose by hiding behind metaphors that take on a life of their own, writing in slow downward spirals that never quite hit rock-bottom. Cue self-referential example. How meta.

Were you making a point in any of this?

You will find your own voice as a writer. Eventually, you will stop having to hide behind ambiguity and purple prose. Your words will be a finely tempered steel blade, cutting to the heart of the matter with clean precision. You’ll stop dithering. You’ll stop second-guessing. You’ll stop toning yourself down on the page.You'll stop hyping yourself up on the page. Halfway between the Slump and the Mania, you will flow on the page, and your words will be made of breath and blood and bone.

But until then, you find refuge behind a wall of words, and you succumb to the need to write angsty poetry as is your birthright as a teenager because for the next almost-two-months, that’s still true.

Eyelids drooping
A slight tremor in the fingers
Betrays the weariness of nights spent awake till the early hours of the morning
A silent vigil spent reading and re-reading
Regrets already forming but realization delayed
Was it worth it all?
Of course it was, for the time being
Let tomorrow worry about itself, no need to chase it down
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble

That was terrible. You actually hate that, at least in the moment. Maybe it’ll grow on you, and maybe if it does that will simply confirm your worst suspicions about your lack of taste. Who’s to say?

But pointlessness for its own sake, though it does have its charms, tends to get old after a while. And you’re bored right now of the immense pointlessness of this first letter because you had grand fantasies of its being a profound exercise in self-reflection and instead it is a steaming pile of garbage wrapped up in pretty language. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha the idiocy of it all.

More to come later.

Much love,

Past Clara

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