
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Day 2

I read somewhere that it takes 66 days to form a new habit. In the interest of getting into the habit of blogging regularly, I plan to publish one post a day for the next 66 days, finishing up on October 13, 2020. Content-wise, each day's post can include anything that crosses my mind and that I hope will spark something in yours, whether poetry, prose, art, or the occasional rant. Here's to 66 days of finding something to say :)

For Day 2, a poem:


Genesis, a Beginning

Genesis, a beginning:
“Let there be light”
And there was light.
And the light he called Day
And the darkness he called Night
And there was evening and morning
The first day

Genesis, a beginning—
We begin to begin again—
But how many false starts lay
Between the hand and the pen,
Between the pen and the paper,
Between the paper and the words,
Between the words and the silences?

So many dimly remembered worlds
Forgotten before they were born

Genesis, a beginning
At the start of every day
Sunrise in a lovely, broken world
So bright and so brittle
Too much and too little
We begin and end with the sun

We breathe in to remember
We breathe out to forget
We breathe in to remember
We breathe out to forget
We breathe in to remember
An echo in the rise and fall:

“Let there be light”
And there was light.


Till tomorrow,

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