
Friday, August 14, 2020

Day 7

I read somewhere that it takes 66 days to form a new habit. In the interest of getting into the habit of blogging regularly, I plan to publish one post a day for the next 66 days, finishing up on October 13, 2020. Content-wise, each day's post can include anything that crosses my mind and that I hope will spark something in yours, whether poetry, prose, art, or the occasional rant. Here's to 66 days of finding something to say :)

For Day 7......whatever this is:


To whom it may concern

And to all whom it may not:

For the sake of things remembered

But almost left forgot(ten)

(Rhyme or grammar,a hard battle;

Parentheses, a compromise)

On the seventh day,God rested.

And who am I to attempt to best the Divine?

Maybe in another place and time

I would try that line.

Excuses, excuses

I admit 

It's time to face the truth and write.

The truth might set ye free

But it wears an ugly face

The truth is ticking, ticking, ticking--

It's 11:25--

And I'm scrambling madly

To publish this in time.

Quality or quantity

Coherence or rhyme

So many decisions

So little ti--

It's fine.

I can't rhyme a word with itself

But using the same vowel can sound right.

If this rambling on is garbage

At least it's garbage done ri-- 

And there it is again.

But we've come to no lasting harm

After all, third time's the charm

Suffice it to say, a poem about nothing

Takes a surprising amount of effort to write

No spontaneity, no creative flight

Devolving into couplets with no clear meter

Striving to satisfy both critic and hater--

Which rhymes with

"See you later"--

Which I will 

Tomorrow and the next day and the next after

Now and Then and Hereafter

For sixty-six days

A self-imposed malaise

A completely arbitrary test

To showcase my incompetence

And cater to your entertainment

A mutually beneficial arrangement?

Two birds with one stone?

Till tomorrow,



An epistolary poem full of absurdity

Is quite the monstrosity

(I had to end this drivel with a couplet

And for good measure, to double it.)


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