Well, loyal reader (or "readers": is that too optimistic?), it has been quite the pause. Seventeen days, to be exact. Yikes.
This is the part of the post where I typically (1) apologize for my flakiness while (2) casually throwing in a perfectly legitimate excuse in order to (3) assure y'all that this won't happen again going forward, only to (4) miss a few days of allegedly "consecutive" blogging in the near future. And the cycle repeats, ad infinitum...
But you know the drill, and I'd rather not take up time and space going through it all again. So...
[insert generic apology here]
...Right, thanks for understanding. Now to get to the good stuff.
First, a brief life update: I have (nearly) made it through three (3) weeks of law school! Huzzah. It has been...quite the time so far. My first week I studied every day till ungodly hours of the night and got no sleep, but I did stay on top of all my coursework. The week after that I overcorrected in the self-care department and did the bare minimum schoolwork-wise--but I did have time for naps. Plural naps. Small victories worth celebrating. All that to say, I think I'm finally finding a balance between taking care of my workload and taking care of me. This week has been full of both, with even the unexpected gift of an hour in a coffee shop on a rainy Thursday morning just for blogging. And here we are.
I left off unpacking a poem on Day 12 of a proposed 66-day scheme to get into the habit of blogging daily. Welp, that was the last post in that project, at least for the time being.
That was quite the unceremonious announcement, so let me flesh it out a little.
Basically, rather than (1) blog consecutively for a few days, (2) miss a day..or two...or *sigh* seventeen, (3) apologize profusely, and (4) rinse and repeat the entire cycle again; I'm going to keep expectations realistic and table the whole deal for now. I hope to pick up where I left off when I have more time, hopefully over winter break in a couple months. But we shall see.
In the meantime, what will this blog look like?
So glad you asked (or rather, that I did. You're just here for the ride.) I'm still hoping to blog semi-regularly, ideally once a week at least, and hopefully more often than that. Even though it was only for twelve days, starting the daily blogging project did help me get into more of a habit of blogging than before. Now, when I haven't posted in a few days, I feel a faint nagging sense of guilt. And guilt is the first step on the road to improvement. Trust me (or at least let me convince myself that this guilt is healthy. Thanks.)
Today's post will be an extended life update (complete with photo-dump!) with more substantial content coming (hopefully) in a few days.
Without further ado:
Obligatory beach photo to start, of course. I love the area I've moved to, and having the beach only half an hour away is a big part of why. So far I've been to the beach with friends three times, and I'm hoping to go again soon.
Epic sand turtle a friend sculpted on the beach (I did the eyes; does that count as contributing?). For scale, this bad boy ended up being about three feet across. So magnificent.
The highlight of my first week here, tbh. I still have that Reese's somewhere and should probably eat it soon.
Not the best picture of it, but on my dresser is the calligraphy I made for Sleeping at Last's lyrics of the song, "Taste". I love the way this turned out and how it fits into my room decor.
One of the first things I cooked in my new kitchen! The beets turned out great, even though in the process of concocting this deliciousness I ended up staining my kitchen counter and the bottom of a glass dish purple. (I have a pale pink counter so the stain showed up realllly well. Also, after much scrubbing, it came off. Huzzah.)
Moi. This was taken in class on a day last week when I had forgotten a mask and improvised instead with a scarf I was wearing as a belt/sash. The lengths I go to for an education...Heh. This was actually quite the breathable set-up.
On the left, a study room in the law library where I spent 6+ hours yesterday and still didn't finish everything I wanted to. Life.
Honestly, though, the study rooms rock and I was way more productive than I would've been attempting to draft papers at home. I just have to get used to the idea that everything always takes longer to do than you think it will.
And on the right, my desk in the apartment the day I moved in.It has not looked this neat since, so I wanted to reminisce a little...also all the work I thought I would do here I have ended up doing in the library and at various coffee shops. Apparently, it's harder to do work knowing that just behind me is a comfy bed. Who knew.
Side-note: in the upper right corner you can see another work of calligraphy. For close-ups see my earlier post: https://dangerofdreams.blogspot.com/2020/08/day-8.html
And that's it for right now. Here's hoping to post again soon.
Till then,
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