Calling All Writers! Looking for some method in your madness?
Then look no further! A new opportunity awaits on The Danger of Dreams for you especially; whether you wish to
(1) start the writing process,
(2)start blogging,
(3)refine your written work,
(4) find opportunities to publish your work online for free, and/or
(5)Exchange ideas, inspiration, and guest posts with other bloggers!
Our theme for 2017 is inspiration. I am working with some friends who are writers to provide you with inspiration,advice,editing; and maybe even a mini-series on copyrights and publishing over the summer.
In September and October, we'll shift our focus slightly to poetry (September) and song-writing (October). These will help us to understand writing far better and to sharpen our skills.It takes a different sort of skill to write these, a kind of condensed language that's difficult for prose writers to convey sometimes.
Throughout November, we'll shift again to the topic of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), applying our new skills and gauging our progress; as well as reading other writers' NaNoWriMo works.
And finally in December, we'll take a break from new content to take some surveys and evaluate how this series has helped each of us. There'll be polls and surveys where you can provide feedback for future improvements; and finally, a virtual Christmas Party at Writer's Cafe to culminate the year and promote all of our blogs.
By the end of 2017, my goal is that you will gain the confidence and resources you need as a writer to get your finished manuscripts published!
And the name of this helpful series is...
Method in My Madness: Writers' Perspective on Our Craft
Method in My Madness debuts in March with a post on Inspiration & Organization by a blogger friend of mine who will be introduced shortly...Till then, stay tuned.
If you'd like to contribute or would like to be updated as this series progresses; please email me at so we can work something out.
Happy Writing!
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